I'm discovering how to have fun being 21 in Boston. I love going out, good drinks, good food, good friends, and I'm always looking for somewhere new and exciting. Let's get together for a drink.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
All good things must come to an end...
At times, keeping this thing updated felt like a task, but at other times, it was great fun! I found out about things I may never have known had it not been for this blog. And everything I wrote about, I really enjoyed. I'm not sure how many people were actually reading this, but I hope at least a few strangers stumbled upon my musings and maybe, perhaps, got a little laugh or took away one of my suggestions.
Also, as much as I enjoyed writing, I also enjoyed reading the blogs of my fellow classmates. They came up with some great ideas for their blogs and I definitely regularly read a few of them.
All this being said, I hope you all enjoyed my blog. Maybe if in a different world, where I wasn't buckled down with schoolwork, jobs and other responsibilities, I could give this blog the attention it deserved.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Buzzing on Tequila
Everyone knows what Patron is. It's that tequila that all the rappers sip on while their chillin the club. I'm not big fan of tequila at all, but I REALLY like Patron.
As I was perusing the Edge on Bostonherald.com, I came across a story announcing that Patron has a new spirit called XO Cafe...It's apparently a blend on tequila and coffee. In an espresso martini, it sounds like it could be tops.
Well, if like the song goes, Tequila makes her clothes fall off, then XO Cafe is going to make her want to run a marathon.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Opening Day!
Don't kill me for saying this, but I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't have Red Sox Fever. I'm from southern Connecticut, which is about an hour away from NYC. Which means ::gasp:: that I am a born and bred New York Yankees fan. My parents put me in a Don Mattingly jersey at the ripe old age of 2 and if I became a Sox fan, I'm pretty sure my parents would disown me.
In other news, K-Fed is going to be at Gypsy Bar again this Friday. Please contain your excitement folks. Now calm down, and enjoy today's game!
Monday, April 9, 2007
Back in Action
As we all know, spring is in the air (although if you are stuck in frigid Boston like I am, you might not feel like it). With spring comes lost layers and fantastic new spring clothing. Around the world, many major cities hold their annual fashion weeks right around this time. In honor of this, the Boston Phoenix put together an article listing off some chic, hip and spring-y cocktails to make you feel like a fashionista.
They run through all the major cities that have their own fashion weeks and they tell you where to head for a cocktail that will make you fill like your Paris, Hong Kong, Milan, Tokyo or good ole' Manhattan.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Plonk this
What is a plonk, you may ask. Here is Boston.com's official definition:
This is a monthly column on wines we call "plonk," which began as British slang for the cheapest drink served, and is now widely used to mean simple, inexpensive bottles. This new year, we're raising the price ceiling from $10 to $12. The decision stems in part from the continued decline in the value of the dollar, a situation that makes all European wines more expensive than they might otherwise be. The change will also allow us to report on some California wines that otherwise wouldn't make the cut due to high costs of winemaking there. "Plonk of the month" appears on the last Wednesday of the month and is posted on Boston.com.
And when you are, like me, a college student on a budget, you will come to LOVE plonks. This month, the topic is red wines. Red wines that you can relax after a long day with, and red wines that will warm you up in the still-chilly weather.
For more specific wine suggestions, keep checking out the plonk of the month!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I'll catch you on the flip side...
This is a blog from the Boston Globe Sidekick team. It's a cool little thing that provides info on local Boston events, unique goings-on around town, and it's rounded out with a little humor. I really enjoy this one a lot, so check it out kids.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Warning: Upcoming Celebrity Event!
If you are a big Christina fan, the official concert after-party is happening at Aria nightclub. You can enter to win a chance to have dinner with Ms. Aguilera in NYC and you get reduced admission with your ticket stub from the concert.
BUT, if you are like me, and you'd rather actually party with the celebrities, the Pussycat Dolls are going to be at Gypsy Bar after the concert on Friday night for their official after-party. Admission is only $10 and according to the invite, the girls we'll be around to meet and greet fans.
Thanks to HeyLetsGo Boston for the head's up!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous
Yesterday evening, my friend Chris and I decided to get dressed up and get drinks at the Skybar at the Top of the Hub, located on the 52nd floor of the Prudential Tower. And it was totally worth it.
Sitting in the lounge, drinking top-shelf martinis while looking out at an almost 360 degree view of the city of Boston made me feel like I had all the money in the world to spend. Martinis ran about $11 and other cocktails were $8 or $9, but definitely worth it. I ordered the Purple Rain martini and it may have been the best drink I have ever had.
Now I may not be able to afford $11 martinis everyday, but it's definitely fun to splurge and pretend once in awhile.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Organic Beer
Put aside for a moment the personal, environmental, and social dimensions of organic food and drink. Think instead about the flavor. One of beer’s strong points is its simplicity: barley, hops, water, yeast. Shouldn’t it follow that those ingredients be as unadulterated as possible? Peak’s hops (from the Midwest, Pacific Northwest, Canada, and New Zealand) and barley are grown entirely without pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
“The most important thing in a beer is the purity of the ingredients,” says Cadoux, who’s been brewing Peak Organic from Portland, Maine, since last spring. “They just really make it pop with flavor. That’s why organic products are doing so well.” (Organic beer sales topped $19 million in 2005, a 40 percent increase.)
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Luck 'o the Irish
On St. Patrick's Day in Boston, if you try to set foot into any establishment with an Irish-sounding name, you are guaranteed endless lines and excessive admission fees. It seems appropriate that one would want to spend St. Patrick's Day in one of Boston's many fantastic Irish pubs. However, I think that all these places are equally as fun any other time of the year.
In my searching, I found this site. BostonIrishPubs.com lists any and every Irish establishment in the greater Boston area. I could think of at least 7 or 8 pubs off the top of my head, but this site lists 30 or 40 others that I hadn't even heard of!
So, if you are still seeing green and haven't fully finished your St. Patty's Day celebrating, check out this site. But, don't be too jealous of the fact that in less than two months, I will be floating from pub to pub...in Ireland.
Show me your Shamrocks!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Spring Break Photos!

This is a picture of the Bacardi Distillary off the coast of Old San Juan.

Thursday, March 15, 2007
La Isla Bonita
Since I have to do everything in excess, I spent 10 glorious in a beach-side condo in beautiful San Juan, Puerto Rico. I couldn't have asked for a better spring break.
I went to San Juan last year for spring break with four friends and stayed in the same condo complex. We had so much fun, that we decided to go back this year. Two of my best friends who I went with last year and I left on March 3rd and met up with my other roommate and her boyfriend who were staying with us at the complex, but in a different condo.
We also had a whole slew of visitors lined up for our extended stay. Two of our NU friends who were staying in Ponce came down to spend a night with us. One of our other friends who transferred out of NU came to stay with us for five nights. Also, my best friend from home in Connecticut (who also knows all of my Boston friends) came down with one of HER friends for a long weekend. It was like a new vacation started every time we had a new visitor!
The whole vacation was pretty much a whirlwind. We spent our time lounging on the beach, frolicking in the ocean, relaxing on our balcony, playing poolside bingo against retirees, touring the Bacardi factory, riding banana boats, exploring old San Juan and the historic forts, singing karaoke with the locals, hiking to the top of the El Yunque rain forest and swimming in waterfalls. All that, in addition to mid-day tiki bar excursions, pina coladas by the pool, pitchers of sangria and plantains every night, and drinking more rum than I ever thought imaginable. And that's only the PG-rated stuff my friends.
Let's just say that I'm still not adjusted to being back in the states and we're already talking about what we're going to do when we go back. And I probably won't be able to drink another rum and coke until then.
P.S. - Pictures to follow in a later post!
Friday, March 2, 2007
I really wish I could be around to see this...
So one of today's most popular events on HeyLet'sGoBoston is "WeeMan Rides the Bull." For those of you who are not familiar with WeeMan, he is one the skateboarding "Little person" of MTV's Jackass fame. And apparently he is going to be riding the mechanical bull at The Liquor Store tonight and judging the bull riding contest.
I've been DYING to go to this bar and ride the bull. Not so unfortunately, I will be spending the next at least 12 hours preparing to get on a place tomorrow morning to spend 9 wonderful, glorious days in San Juan, Puerto Rico. That being said, I will be back with an Island-themed update on March 13th. Happy Spring Break everyone!!!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Best Friends are Forever...
My friend Tara and I have been best friends since practically the first day of freshman year of high school. She goes to school closer to home in Connecticut, so I don't get to see her too often. She usually comes to Boston at least once and year, and this was the first time she had come to visit since we both turned 21.
Naturally, going out in Boston is more expensive than going out in other places. I knew she had to pay a lot for a train ticket to come to see me, so I didn't want her to break the bank on one night out on the town. So, I decided to round up some of my friends and take her out on one of my favorite not-so-expensive bar crawls.
If budget had allowed, I would have wanted to take her down to the Faneuil Hall area, but once it hits about 10 p.m., $10 covers for each bar visited is not the most economical thing. So, we started off on Boylston St. at the Pour House. This is, by far, one of my favorite Boston spots. The food is CHEAP and it's only 21+ after 8 p.m., so it's a fun place to grab a bite for all ages. All their beers on tap come in 22 oz. glasses and are quite reasonably priced. After grabbing dinner and a few beers, we backtracked down Boylston towards Copley.
Our next stop was Vox. It's a little more upscale and the atmosphere is more late 20-somethings after work than college kids. But, every single martini I have had there is fantastic. I knew Tara would love it because she has a sweet spot for Lemon Drops. My personal recommendation is the White Crantini.
We then ventured back in the other direction on Boylston, bypassed the Pour House and made a stop at the Cactus Club. Best Margaritas in Town. I kid you not. In every flavor imaginable. And I'm not even a huge fan of tequila. And how could you not love a restaurant with one of these perched on top of the bar:

After our margarita, we made our way to our last stop of the evening, Tiger Lily's. There is nothing really phenomenal about this restaurant, but almost every single one of my really fun bar-hopping nights has ended at Tiger Lily's, so I wanted to keep the tradition going. And their scorpion bowls are pretty great.
Oh, and did I mention that none of the places we went charged a cover? So, the moral of the story is, if you are at a loss for ideas on what to do for a night out, definitely give my full-proof Boylston Street bar crawl a try. I can guarantee its success because Tara is already counting down until the next time she can come visit and go out.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
This gives a new meaning to "liquid dinners"...
So I found this article from the Boston Phoenix about food-fused cocktails. Apparently, there is a new trend in the Hub towards cocktails accented with food. I, for one, love a drink with perhaps a pineapple or orange wedge. Blue-cheese olives and oysters in my martini? Not so much.
The story definitely mentions some interesting one. At 28 degrees, they boast the prosciutto-and-melon martini. At the Good Life, they can offer you a cucumber martini.
My favorite, however is one of the specialties at Ivy:
...Ivy (49 Temple Place, Boston, 617.451.1416) has a hearty cocktail that will satisfy your palate and your stomach. The Leaning Mary-tini ($12) is an antipasto of tomato, olive, and fresh mozzarella on a skewer, soaking in citrus vodka, house-infused horseradish gin, fresh lime, and V8 juice, and finished with a salt-and-pepper rim. Basically, it kicks the Bloody Mary’s ass to a gory pulp.
As interesting as all these concoctions sounds, I think I am going to stick to keeping my dinner and drinks separate.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Oscar Time
So, if you are more psyched about the Oscars than I am, there are some really cool Boston-area Oscar parties going on this weekend. This article from the Boston Globe lists off some of them.
I, on the other hand, am going to be on my couch, hopefully catching up on my movies.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Spring Fever
Now on to more relevant topics. I came across this really cool site today. Chowhound is a blog for people who live to eat. It's a national site, but is broken up by geographic areas. The best thing about it: You can post any food or drink-related question on their message board, and other users will respond to you. You can ask anything from recommendations for the best Fenway-area bars to where to go and get the best Thai food. So if you are ever stuck for an idea of where to take that friend from out of town, Chowhound might help you find the answer.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Fat Tuesday
That being said, I'm back in action and counting down 11 days until I am sunbathing on the beach in San Juan Puerto Rico. But on to more relevant topics.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. If your Catholic, this means the start of 40 days and 40 nights of not eating meat on Fridays and giving up something you hold near and dear to your heart until Easter. This also means that today is the official Mardi Gras, or as some like to call it, Fat Tuesday. And since we aren't really too close to New Orleans, some Boston-area hot spots are throwing Fat Tuesday bashes of their own.
On the front of today's Boston Globe Sidekick, they listed a couple good suggestions for ways to celebrate Fat Tuesday. Tequila Rain is having a SoCo Lime party with a Mardi Gras theme. Dick's Last Resort in Fanueil Hall is also hosting a Mardi Gras party with a best-dressed contest and a craw fish-eating contest.
Coincidentally, these are also the two most popular events for today on HeyLet'sGo Boston. If you are in the mood to go crazy and try to snag some beads, you know where to go.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Alert: Another Awesome Site
This site sorts events by day and popularity, which means that it's constantly updated with the most current event information. It also breaks it up by nightlife, culture, music and activities. This is convenient for finding the best event suited for whatever mood you are in.
Today's most popular event is the St. Single's Day Party at Upstairs on the Square, and event to mark the new holiday, "St. Single's Day."
Another cool feature of the site is that you can create a profile and RSVP to events that you will be attending. You can also see the profiles of other people who will be attending the same event, which makes for a great networking feature.
More cool features: being able to upload pictures from events and message board on a huge range of topics.
This site is definitely being added to my favorite links.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Anti-Valentine's Day
That being said, I usually make a point to try to organize something for my single friends and I, where we can forget about everyone out there having romantic dinners with their sweethearts. I'm not trying to sound bitter, but I've found that it's way easy to be single on Valentine's Day and still have a fantastic time.
I was quite excited when I stumbled upon this article on Citysearch: "Anti-Valentine's Day Planner." I was all ready to do some research on the best places to take your sweetie on February 14th, but I thought this was MUCH better.
The article splits it up by places for the ladies and places for the guys, but I think that all of their suggestions would work for co-ed groups. Honestly, I prefer the suggestions for the guys.
I, however, already have my own anti-valentine's day plans. Wine, appetizers, wine, chocolate fondue, wine, and my best single pals. I've got about six valentines this year.
Friday, February 9, 2007
Boston Wine Expo
The 16th annual Boston Wine Expo is happening today and tomorrow, February 9th and 10th, at the Seaport World Trade Center.
450 wineries. 1,800 wines. Sounds like a dream come true. Usually, I'm not picky when it comes to wines. Give me an $8 bottle of Sutter Home, or even a $4 bottle from Trader Joe's, and I'm good to go. But this wine expo just sounds way to exciting.
In addition to many, many wine tastings, the Expo is going to feature 15 celebrity chefs, including Ted Allen (from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy) and famous Boston chef Todd English, who are going to cook up some gourmet deliciousness for participants to taste.
Tickets for the expo are pretty pricey, but if I had so extra cash, I would definitely be going. A one-day ticket is $85 and a two-day ticket is $120.
Likes like I'm going to spend the weekend dreaming of fine wines, when I'll actually just be drinking cheap beer.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Future Sex/Love Sounds
I know a lot of people still think he's just that guy from 'NSYNC. But seeing him last night as a solo act put any thoughts of his days in 'NSYNC far behind.
I had been looking forward to this show for months. And I see a lot of concerts, so that says a lot. I usually don't like huge stadium shows, but I was willing to get some not-so-good seats up in the balcony in order to put myself in the same room as Justin.
We made our way to the TD Banknorth Garden, and got to our seats just as show opener Pink was coming on stage. I was surprised at how well she performed. I'm not a huge Pink fan, but she definitely held her own on the massive stage. I, unfortunately, missed most of her set, as the lines for the bathroom and concessions pretty much wrapped around the entire building.
I finally emerged from the sea of people and made it back to my seat just as the lights went down and "Future Sex/Love Sounds" started playing throughout the arena. The stage took up about 75 percent of the entire floor area. A series of bridge-like structures connected 4 different performance spaces surrounding the main stage. Band members flanked both sides of the main stage and gauze-like screens dropped from the ceilings.
As the music started, Justin emerged from under the stage in a classy 3-piece suit and commanded the audience for next 2 1/2 hours. I had not heard screaming like this since I saw 'NSYNC back during my sophomore year of high school.
Justin managed to play every song of of his album, "Future Sex/Love Sounds" and all of his singles from "Justified." He even did a short version of the 'NSYNC tune "Gone."
He even brought his producer Timbaland on tour with him. I was shocked when I saw him emerge from under the stage right on cue for his part in the song "Chop Me Up."
Justin's dancing was impeccable, his voice incredible, and he proved himself as a legitimate guitarist and pianist.
I could go on and on about the show, but I'm pretty sure I've emphasized all the main reasons why Justin Timberlake is a superstar. Count me in as patiently awaiting his next concert tour.
To read more, check out the Boston Globe and Boston Herald reviews of the show.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Confession #56
I am a trivia nut. I don't know what it is, but I have this penchant for storing tons and tons of useless information in my brain. Confession #47 is that I would love to be on Jeopardy! But that's another story...
Why I decided to make my confession is because I just finished reading this article from the Boston Globe Events Calendar about some of the best bar trivia nights in town. I've actually never tried my hand at participating in one of these trivia nights, but I'm dying to. Not sure how my trivia skills would hold up after a few drinks.
In other news, I'm stoked about going to see Justin Timberlake at the TD Banknorth Garden tonight! I'll update tomorrow with some of my favorite Boston area concert venues.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Exploit Boston
This was a very exciting find, I must say. Exploit Boston has been around since 2002 and is a takeoff of Exploit Seattle. The point of this blog is to provide readers with interesting art & entertainment events that are happening in and around Boston.
They ask readers to contribute event ideas. They have an Exploit Boston event photo group on Flickr that anyone can contribute to. The site hosts a board game night in Allston once a month.
Exploit Boston also boasts Exploit Boston Radio, a constantly streaming radio station that plays all Boston-area bands.
These are more than enough reasons as to why I will be regularly checking out Exploit Boston. I love that some of the content comes from readers. And I LOVE that they sponsor a board game night. Apples to Apples, Scattergories and UNO, oh my!
The most recent event posted on Exploit Boston is All Skate Roller Disco at Chez Vous in Dorchester, pretty much the only roller skating rink left in Boston. Seriously, who would think of Roller Disco in Boston? And it's for charity. It sounds pretty awesome. You might want to limit your drinks at this event though.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Quick picks
Dan Dunn's musings about red bull and vodka. Funny stuff.
UPDATE: I'm officially going to San Juan, Puerto Rico for 9 glorious days in March. I went last year for spring break and it was phenomenal, which is why we're obviously going back. Look forward to some island-themed updates when I get back!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Best of the New
From the Diversions section, here is their piece on "Lounge Life."
I've actually never been to any of the places. But I keep hearing great things about the Alchemist Lounge and Revolution Rock Bar. These places are definitely worth checking out.
Monday, January 29, 2007
2 of my guilty pleasures...
Apparently the Eastern Standard on Comm. Ave thinks differently. One of the items on their dessert menu is a "beer-beer float." Not root beer. Beer beer. Now this is something I'm going to have to try.
Thank you to this article in the Boston Phoenix for informing me of this exciting little tidbit.
P.S. - on a side note, I just found out that I got accepted to a month-long summer study abroad program in Belfast. I've already started doing some pub research.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Double the fun...
In yesterday's calendar, correspondent Linda Laban wrote a great article on the phenomenon of what she refers to as "50/50 clubs." These are places that double as a great dinner locale and as the night rolls on, the location turns into a trendy bar/lounge/club.
She says,
This kind of entertainment alchemy, where a convivial restaurant becomes a lively club, is known as 50/50. It’s the higher-energy, modern slant on the traditional American supper club, really. But this version attempts to attract two different crowds, one that’s here for a good meal and then, later, another that wants to dance, mingle, and live it up a little. Somehow, to keep everyone happy and coming back for more, the two have to be spliced seamlessly.
I, for one, stray towards these locations. I love places where you can go and grab dinner and once 9 or 10 p.m. rolls around, the clientele changes a bit, the place gets more crowded, and all of a sudden you are in the middle of a lively weekend hot spot.
A lot of the places that Laban talked about in her piece, I had actually not been to. The one exception is Sonsie, which I absolutely love! Their food is phenomenal and I am a big fan of their wine list. I love getting a table right by the huge open doors in the springtime.
I'm definitely going to make a point to check out more of these "50/50" spots.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
College Bars
Check out the Phoenix article...
Thanks Slashfood!
On a side note, I will definitely be doing a post soon on my favorite Northeastern University area hot spots, and I will totally refer back to this. Happy Tuesday!
Monday, January 22, 2007
For the under 21 set...
This is quite bothersome. I was once not 21 and the only places my friends and I could go out to and dance were the clubs and bars on Landsdowne Street. This ban also makes it impossible for my friends and I to include our under-21 pals in the weekend going-out festivities.
I understand that there have been some issues of violence, but what I don't understand is why the ones being pin-pointed are those under the age of 21. I also know that city officials have emphasized that this ban will be temporary, but I can only imagine that this may prompt more underage people to try to obtain fake IDs.
For more information on this issue from a college standpoint, check out the Northeastern News piece.
Z Square - Harvard Square, Cambridge
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Here it goes...
My name is Rose, and I'm a 21-year-old fourth-year college student. I come from a pretty small New England town where the college kids and the townies have the same local hangouts. That being said, turning 21 in Boston was a dream. Bars, clubs, lounges, restaurants - it's enough to make anyone's head spin (before they even start drinking.)
I'm almost 22 now, and I feel like I go somewhere new every weekend. I'm not going to be living in Beantown forever, so I'm making the most of it now. I hope you enjoy what I have to say and please leave me comments if you have somewhere you think I should check out!
For now, here are some of my favorite sites I frequent to keep up to date on what's going on in Boston...
Boston.com's Food Page - I absolutely love their features on plonks (cheap wines) and their restaurant reviews.
Sipping from the Boston Phoenix - I check this one out every day. Read this article where 9 mixologists from around the Hub are asked to make the perfect cocktail.
The Imbiber from the Boston Metro - Dan Dunn never fails to make me laugh.
Dining News from the Edge in the Boston Herald - I'm partial to the Boston Globe, but I like to see what the other side has to say.